Attention Homeowners and Renters with Dogs

The Raintree Board of Directors has been dealing with multiple issues regarding several dogs in the community that need to be brought to the attention of everyone with dogs. There have been a few incidences where Ventura pet rules have been broken, creating dangerous and disruptive situations for residents with and without dogs.

Please remember:

1. Any dog MUST be on a leash, no matter the size.

2. All UNIT OWNERS are responsible for the actions of their dogs and/or their renter’s dogs.

3. Owners MUST pick up after their dogs. Not cleaning up after your pet is breaking the law. Bring a bag, pick-up the waste and dispose of it in the trash.

4. Owners must not allow their dogs to be unattended (or leave them unattended for extended periods of time) which often results in constant barking that is annoying to others.

All of the above is OUT OF CONTROL and the Raintree Board has had many, many complaints of all of these rules not being followed and are actively looking for how to implement fines for ignoring the rules (which can be done).

Thank you for your cooperation. These rules are in place to create a safe environment for all residents and their pets.