Hurricane Season Begins, Ends November 30th

Another hurricane season is here and whether you live in Raintree year-round or entrust your condo to someone while you are away, it’s important to create an emergency and communication plan. Find out how to identify a safe room, build an emergency kit and know who to contact if there is an emergency. 

National Hurricane Center:

Federal Emergency Management Agency:

911 is the number to call for emergency situations throughout all of Orange County.

Follow these safety guidelines if using a portable generator.

What to have on hand if and when the power goes out.

When a hurricane is expected, be sure to secure any loose plants and decorations around your unit. Bring any items inside that may cause damage if not secured properly.

Visit and create a personalized emergency plan for your family. The plans include a disaster supply kit list, family meeting location, evacuation information, local emergency management contact information and other relevant information.

Tornadoes can occur in Florida anytime of the year, but are known to accompany tropical storms and hurricanes as the make landfall. Monitor a weather radio and forecasts for tornado watches and warnings. If a tornado has been sighted in the area, go to an interior, windowless room such as a closet or bathroom. Crouch low to the ground and cover your head and body with pillows, a mattress, or clothing to protect your from debris.

For more local preparedness information, visit the Orange County website:

Hurricane season ends November 30, 2023.